Thursday, 10 March 2011

Dalai Lama to resign as political leader of the exiled Tibetan movement

The Dalai Lama said Thursday it was giving up his political leadership of the Tibetan government in exile.

Speaking here at the 52nd Anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day, the Dalai Lama said: "During the next session of eleven of the fourteen Tibetan Parliament in exile, which begins on March 14, formally propose the necessary amendments to was made to the Charter for Tibetans in exile, which reflects my decision to attribute my formal authority elected leader. "

As early 1960, the Dalai Lama has repeatedly stressed that Tibetans need a leader, chosen freely by the Tibetan people, who could delegate the power.

"Now, we have clearly time to put this into effect," said the Tibetan leader.

"Since I made my intention clear that I have received several requests and serious, both from within and outside Tibet, to continue to provide political leadership. My desire to delegate authority has nothing to do with the desire to avoid responsibility. is in the interests of Tibetans in the long term. It is because I feel discouraged. The Tibetans have so much faith and trust in me as one of them, so I'm committed to playing my part in the just cause of Tibet. I hope Little by little, people will come to understand my intention, the support of my decision and therefore let come into force, "said the Dalai Lama.

He recalled that one of the goals he had cherished since childhood was the reform of the social and political structure of Tibet, and in the few years when he held the real power in Tibet, he managed to make some fundamental changes. "Although I could not go further in Tibet, I have done everything possible to make and which came into exile. Today, in the framework of the Charter of Tibetans in exile, the Kalon Tripa (Prime Minister Tibet facto), political leaders and the people's representatives are elected directly by the people. We were able to implement democracy in exile, which is consistent with the standards of an open society, "he said.

The exiled leader refers to the recent non-violent struggle for freedom and democracy in various parts of North Africa and elsewhere. He said: "I am a firm believer in nonviolence and the power of the people, and these events have demonstrated once again that certain nonviolent action can actually bring positive change. We must all hope that these changes lead to inspire true freedom, happiness and prosperity for the peoples of these countries. "

In its efforts to resolve the issue of Tibet, the Dalai Lama recalled that it had consistently applied the approach of middle mutually beneficial manner, he had a genuine autonomy for Tibetans within the People's Republic of China. "In our discussions with officials of the Chinese government's United Front Work Department have made clear the Tibetan people's hopes and aspirations. The lack of a positive response to our reasonable proposals makes us wonder if it was fully and accurately conveyed higher authorities, "the Dalai Lama complained.


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